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[插件] ARMA3的几个AI 加强mod

发表于 2013-9-26 00:28:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
WW_AICover AI找掩护物的能力,可以和TPW MODS 一起用 ...

•Alert AI to gunfire
•Enhanced AI take cover routine (modified from TPWCAS take cover by Ollem)
•Works for handgrenades
•Factors silenced weapons and different weapon types to determine audible range
•Friendly AI in group will react to unexpected fire by breaking formation and going to cover
•AI make surprised sounds when under unexpected fire
•AI react to most explosions correctly, even from vehicles
•AI react to vehicle engine sounds and flying by helicopters
•Utilizes suppression effects from TPW_EBS if present
•Allows interesting tactics like flushing out AI out of cover by using mortars, grenades, and rockets
•Handles ambushes on unexpected AI by making them retreat to cover, or apply suppression effects if TPW_EBS is present
•AI seeks cover when detecting enemies even if no shots are fired

WW AIMenu (complimentary commands)AI指挥菜单 ...

•Adds explosives list of all the explosives in the selected units. Point where you want them to be planted and the unit will place it there. You will get the set off if there is on in your action menu.
•Safe mode heal. This heal command will allow the selected units to heal themselves up. If there is a medic, the medic will go around and heal everyone. If there are no medics, the units will share their extra First aid with others if they have it.
•Combat mode heal. For this command, units will try to heal themselves up using first aid first. If there is a medic and the unit is not too far away, he will pop smoke if the unit's health is too low and will attempt to heal him. Units will attempt to share their first aid only if the distance is not too far off.
•A rearm command that actually works. Point at the object you want them to rearm at and select that command.
•Opens inventory for units to whatever object you point at. Allows inventory to be opened between units. If you are looking at the unit itself, it will open the inventory where it stands. Same if no appropriate object is in your cursor
•Adds control on engine on and off for all AI controlled vehicles in your group
•Adds control on weapon accessories for AI like lights on/off supressor on/off and IRLaser on/off
•Unstuck command for any units or vehicles the AI is in. If no units are selected, it unstucks the player.
•Landing AI piloted heli on designated position. The AI pilot will fly to the designated area and land there. position is selected on the map.
•Clearing buildings of threats. AI will attempt to clear the whole building then come out.
•Add multiple waypoints for units to go to in order
•Control in flight height for Aircrafts
•Order AI to fly around an area. Choose the radius and the position.
•A very featured waypoint system for units
•Ability to eject from helicopters and use the parachute automatically
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