中国虚拟军事网(VME)- 专注于武装突袭系列虚拟军事游戏




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发表于 2007-9-2 02:52:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
俄军装备整体提升,T90  BMP3  通古斯卡M1 BTR90 ,但是直升机是MI24。美军有C130J超级大力神和F35和两栖战车。
Czech server released new Arma 2 preview. I tried to translate it, but english isn't my native language, so excuse me if there are any grammar errors and typos.


We saw just announced continuation of armed assault (originally known as a game 2) in action. And the project leader Marek Španěl answered us a lot of questions.

• The Plot
Whole story is set into post soviet country named Chernarus and it seems to be very complicated. There are four opponent sides. Minority related with Russians conquered the part of the republic. Government is powerless so they ask USA for a help. So you as a player arrive to the area to stabilize the situation.
Then Russians comes to the scene, because they want to destroy radical nationalist anti-Russian armies. Radical anti-Russian armies aren’t too kind to the civil population as like as Russian related minority on the island, so this Russian act seems to be well-founded. As an answer USA take back all us forces. But by the coincidence you and your squad will be stuck in Chernarus. If you were following orders in a First part of the game, then now you have full freedom of the choice. It’s on you if you will be searching for the shortest way out of this mess or if you will try to find cause of this conflict. Happiness of the civilian population was always on the second place. The main interest always was the huge Uran finding places.
If I told full freedom of choice, I don’t mean only free move in the area. Some sides of the conflict aren’t automatically your enemies, and there is no problem to be related with them. But if you want to be related with them you have to do something for them, problem is that when you do something for one side, you can make other side mad. It’s only your choice if you help civilians to defend their village attacked by the terrorists or not. The feature of playing for different sides of the conflict was used many times in many other games, but as I remember no one from those games had so large world like Arma2. Whole Chernarus has 300 square kilometers and everything is created 1:1 exactly same as Czech středohoří.

• You are not alone
Most of the time you will have 5 members in your squad, and you can switch between them. As Maruk says: „Idea of the game is that we don’t want the player to safe and load, safe and load and all over again. If you lost one of the team members you will get someone else after some time. Only if you loose whole squad it is time to load. We don’t want the player to be too much frustrated from those save/loads“. In first Arma soldiers were usually walking in the middle of the street so they were easy to kill. In Arma 2 would be AI much more improved. They always cover their move in urban area, without any command from the player. So the game experience will be much more different from first Arma. You can check it in the first video. Movement will be improved too as an example you will be able to reload your weapon while moving.

• New killing machines
AVV (Amphibious Assault Vehicle) will be very important for US marines and you will use his adaptivity. Russians will get new modern tanks like T-90, less armored, but amphibious BMP-3, eight wheeled APC BTR-90 and anti-aircraft Tunguska-M1.
From air there will be new transport plane C-130J Super Herkules, attack plane F-35 Joint Strike Fighter on the American side. On the Russian side will be helicopter Mil Mi-24, which is back from Ofp. You can check model details of Mi24 on the second video. And because Arma2 is from the near future, there will be some vehicles which are not usually used nowadays.

• Less can be more sometimes
On the multiplayer question Maruk answered: "We are concentrating on 2 game modes. We want quality not quantity“. Those two are: Conquer the island, where two groups of players are gradually conquering areas, for each conquered are they are rewarded with money/credits. Every team has his leader which can manipulate with those credits, for those credits he can buy new vehicles or he can build factories.

It looks like very interesting mix of FPS and RTS, as a proof of the popularity of this mix we can mention Half-Life mod: Natural Selection or unofficial modification into the Operation Flashpoint, BIS are currently working with its creators on improvements. Of course matches in this game mode will be long and they would be hours long.

Second game mode is something like sp. campaign in multiplayer. It will be cooperation of players counter pc bots. BIS is trying to rework whole sp. Campaign or at least most of the tasks from it to the multiplayer campaign. Important is that game will be saving all changes in game world and all completed task to the server. So you can continue later.

• Graphics
Someone can be disappointed but physical engine is still almost the same. Destruction of environment isn’t on that high quality as like as for example Battlefield Bad Company, but you can still destroy some smaller objects like boxes or trashcans, or buildings like in Arma, but don’t expect more. Maybe it’s a pity, but the implementation of complex high quality Destruction model would cost too much time and require too good HW in large world like this.
Whole ArmA 2 is set in autumn and except of orange colored leaves, it’s all in dark mood. One of the industrial zones in the city reminds me Stalker but its normal in post-soviet countries. About another tech. Specs: Arma 2 will be fully supporting dx10 and Windows Vista.

• When, where and what with
At the end we were talking about Arma2 on next-gen consoles, and it would be same like PC version. Only one different thing will be auto-aiming. Question is: on which console will be arma created. But it depends on the publisher which is BIS searching for right now. Copy protection depends on publisher too but Maruk assured us that we don’t need to worry about Star force again. Date of release is set on June 2008, but like Maruk said it can be 6 months later or sooner.


参与人数 1威望 +10 +10 +5 收起 理由
Knight + 10 + 10 + 5 有翻译,不错。


发表于 2007-9-2 03:12:19 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-9-4 17:02:14 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-9-4 18:52:30 | 显示全部楼层
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