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[新闻] 20130302 pcgamer对arma3项目主管van ‘t Land和助理创意懂事crowe的采访(已翻译)

发表于 2013-3-3 12:07:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


PCG: We were elated when Ivan and Martin finally returned to Bohemia safely. Are they actively involved in development at this time? How are they doing?
Joris-Jan van ‘t Land: The four months they spent in Greece were very troubling. It isn’t easy to continue development as if nothing has happened. Welcoming them back on the day they landed was a surreal experience. They are both taking some time to get back into the game, absorbing the changes that happened, and doing what they do best in their respective fields.
Joris-Jan van ‘t Land:他们在希腊的4个月是非常艰难的。经历的这些事情显然不能使他们立刻恢复工作状态。欢迎他们回家的那天是特别令人难忘的。现在他们都需要花点时间去重返工作,了解这些时间来发生的变化,继续在他们擅长的领域上工作。
Jay Crowe: Yeah, I’d agree with that, but, generally, it’s just awesome to have the lads back! There was really no stopping either of them. I think Ivan could probably still work with a newborn baby under each arm, a beer in his lifting-hand, and a keyboard in the other.
Jay Crowe:没错,我很同意,大体上讲,同志们回来了是件大喜事!他们返回后真的没有任何懈怠。我估计ivan他那旺盛的精力了,哄着小孩、喝着小酒、顺手写两行代码,一点问题都没有。

PCG: What new AI behaviors does Arma 3 implement?
Crowe: With Arma’s AI it will always be a case of carefully evolving it. We’ve given ourselves some quite big challenges with some of the new headline features. Now, it’s our job to make sure they work and integrate well alongside the existing behaviors.
van ‘t Land: New functionality means we need to train our AI to do more things. We try to refrain from trickery and simulate AI behavior in all aspects; letting them walk around, engage in infantry combat, fly gunships, drive boats and do many of the things players do. It’s a lofty goal that sometimes will mean the AI is seen doing less than intelligent stuff. Now we are teaching them to engage in underwater combat (this adds a third dimension compared to walking on land), to detect and avoid minefields and flames, to drive using the PhysX vehicles, and to use Under-Barrel Grenades well.
van ‘t Land: 新的功能,意味着我们要让ai去做更多的事情。我们努力去避免运用诡计,并尽量模拟方方面面的ai行为;让他们能自由移动、和敌人交火、开飞机开船、做很多人类玩家能做的事情。这个目标很高了,因为很多时候ai被认为是无法胜任那些要求智商较高的工作的。现在,我们正在让ai学会水下交战(相比于地面,水下是3维空间),学会侦测并规避雷区,学会躲避火焰,驾驶使用了Physx技术的载具,正确使用枪挂榴弹。  

Crowe: Little fixes like the use of UGLs makes a surprising difference–even if they do sometimes cause friendly-fire problems! We’ve also tried to take care of certain things that impact upon AI. We’ve improved some of our tools so the terrain developers can see how their compositions are traversed by the AI. I mention it because this kind of work improves AI behavior through appropriate design. It’s something our programmers often shout at us about. I like to think we’ve started to listen.
Crowe: 例如在使用枪挂榴弹的时候,我们的修正已经得到了较好的效果——虽然他们还是会时常造成误伤!我们也正在努力处理那些会对ai造成不良影响的因素。我们已经完善了一些开发工具,能让地貌设计师们看清ai如何在他们的作品中活动 。我说这些,是因为这些工作能让ai通过河里了的设计而得到提升。着也是我们的设计师们经常想我们反映的,我想我们已经开始倾听了。
van ‘t Land: A lot of work goes into the actual configuration of all game content. Only when that is carefully done, can we see which things still need tweaking in the AI technologies. Internally we’ve set up something we refer to as “Task Force Balance,” headed by our Lead Sandbox Designer, Lukáš Haládik. They are trying to find the best balance between authenticity, realism and fun to match our design vision. Their initial focus has been on the regular infantry squad and their weapons, and now they are moving on to specialized weapons and vehicles. We want to be able to proudly show off our advanced AI by making sure it’s properly configured.
van ‘t Land:许多游戏里的内容都需要实地测试。只有把这些测试仔细地做了,我们才能发现还有哪些ai技术需要再调整。在内部,已经设置了一个我们称之为“游戏平衡特遣队”的小组,有我们的首席沙盘设计师Lukáš Haládik领导。他们正尝试在真实性、可操作性和趣味性上寻找合理的平衡,以满足我们的设计。他们最初主要工作方面是步兵和步兵武器,而现在他们正在调试专门的武器和载具。我们希望能通过这些合理的配置,确保将我们先进的ai系统骄傲地展示出来。

Crowe: Looking at it from the perspective of our Alpha, we can say there’s still some way to go, but it’s rewarding to see progress and the alpha helps us focus on our goals.
Crowe: 透过我们的alpha测试,我们得说还有很多事情需要做,但是看到进展对我们是有益的,alpha也能帮助我们实现目标。

PCG:What weapon attachments can we expect?
van ‘t Land: Different kinds of optics, IR laser pointers and flashlights mostly for now. You could be playing a mission where at first you need sighting suitable for CQB, but then later you can loot something for ranged engagements. The community benefits are very interesting. Before, they would have had to create whole new weapon models, whereas now they can independently create new attachments.
van ‘t Land: 目前主要有多种不同的光学瞄具,红外镭射指示器,电筒等。你能玩到一个任务,开始时你需要适合室内战的瞄具,然后过一会可能你会得到一些适合远程作战的瞄具。这对mod社区是很有好处的。因为你可以单独制作武器外挂的模组,而不必去作出整个武器来。
Crowe: We’re currently working on recoil and sound suppressors. They’re not there quite yet. We need more work getting the sounds right, and configuring a decent balance between authenticity and usefulness for gameplay.
Crowe: 我们目前正在致力于武器后座力和消声器方面的工作。离完工还有段距离。我们需要更多的努力来使声音正常化,而且还要在真实性和实用性方面寻求平衡。


感谢翻译  发表于 2013-3-3 14:39
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