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楼主: cycle6

今天试过Open Falcon4.7,无限吐血中……

发表于 2011-1-19 23:41:56 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2011-1-22 10:27:31 | 显示全部楼层
{:soso_e128:} , 从楼主的“而OF4.7在我这个win7上丢失贴图显现严重,机身几乎是半透明状,3D座舱几乎没法用,时不时还出现黑屏错误。试过各种办法都没有效果。” 可以看出楼主用A卡。{:soso_e113:}   这个游戏很诡异,使用A卡在WIN7下运行,会3D贴图错位,座舱透明。  用N卡旧版本驱动会奇卡无比,GTS250以上显卡可更新最新驱动来起码流畅运行。 但是无论在XP和WIN7下, N卡打开抗锯齿都会导致游戏一些特定的画面花屏。 WIN7无此问题。 - - 最后我只好装双系统玩了…… (HD5770)

“过曾经听LO的一些玩家表示Falcon4.0的导弹射程不考虑发射高度差,估计即便是真的,OF4.7早就该把这点考虑进去了。” 有考虑进去的。 同样对冲情况下, AIM120的DLZ在angel 20的时候要比低空的时候要长,所以听一些前辈说高度是你先制进攻或者生存下去的一个要素。 关于失速螺旋,F16战斗机不会有这种失速姿态貌似。 OF里面的失速貌似是那种机头上下摆动,高度不停下降的姿态。 F16好操控其实这点以前CN101有过争论。 普遍现在的观点是就外国视频网站上面流露出来的一些F16飞行HUD记录来看F16在它的优秀的FLCS帮助下,操控性的确和F4里面所体现得差不多(在无复杂的气流情况下吧)。
   关于气动模型,算是这个游戏的不足了。 其实OF压根没有气动建模吧。 我记得它是通过从NASA得来的部分F16气动数据,在不同的速度以及高度情况下使用公式计算的。 仅是公式的堆砌,不是传统意义上的气动建模,所以导致了OF的F16在一些飞行品质上的缺失。这个问题应该是因为OF沿用的还是FALCON4.0初代的引擎的缘故。
   JANE'S和OF应该难分伯仲吧,具体说哪个真实,我也不好评判 呵呵。  DCS的A10应该在整体上赢了OF不少了

PS:貌似它的新作也快出了。 BMS4, 听说对画质 气动模型 航电 进行了更加真实的修改 按大家推测它应该脱离了98年FALCON4的引擎  上几张图给大家乐乐:
6DOF座舱:(有TRACK IR, FREE TRACK的朋友可以享受):
一段早期的视频: (地景会被改造)
至于此游戏什么时候出。。。 还是问上帝吧。。。

不是广告 不是广告 不是广告。


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发表于 2011-1-22 11:00:55 | 显示全部楼层
回复 jianghuafz 的帖子

You are wrong...
OF suffers the same no matter the machine has a ATI or NVIDIA video card in Windows 7 environment. The difference you decribed is in Windows Vista environment. Don't believe me? Try it out, or do a little search on google...

By the way, I only use Nvidia video card, I will dismiss any computer the moment I see "ATI graphic" on it...
 楼主| 发表于 2011-1-22 11:48:14 | 显示全部楼层
jianghuafz 发表于 2011-1-22 10:27
{:soso_e128:} , 从楼主的“而OF4.7在我这个win7上丢失贴图显现严重,机身几乎是半透明状,3D座舱几乎没法 ...

DCS A10好像已经发售了,不过我觉得A10作为一款强击机来说根F-16这样的飞机比技术含量少多了,貌似大多数美国A10飞行员都是二线飞行员,有点国民警卫队那样性质的。所以A10对好多飞行员,特别是喜欢狗斗的显得不过瘾。拿A-10也就跟Su-25狗斗吧?不过LO里我曾经拿A10干掉过一架Mig29,当时我根29飞对头,我的僚机先挂了,随后我中了一发导弹,然后我在坠毁前用航炮打的29空中解体。不过最后我还是跳伞了。{:soso_e113:} 跟29打平手不容易,不容易。
 楼主| 发表于 2011-1-22 11:58:56 | 显示全部楼层
回复 Plutonium 的帖子

发表于 2011-1-22 12:39:13 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Plutonium 于 2011-1-22 12:48 编辑

回复 cycle6 的帖子

Well, the fact most people always ignore is that EVERY plane goes into stall, FLCS is there to prevent this from happening, and this is simulated in OF, the reason you can't get into this state is mostly likely you don't know how to attack the FLCS, of course, you will have to switch off the limitations first...

As to A-10 and F-16, obviously they are different aircraft servering different propose, however you cannot say a pilot maning A-10 is less qualified than one flying F-16, in fact, all pilot flying Air-to-ground planes will have to receive Air to air trainnings just like everyone else, maybe in an F-16 or some other trainning airplanes.
In fact, a USAF pilot seem in real battle would have at least 2000 hours experience(2000 hours qualifies to Red flag, passing Red flag qualifies to real combat, you do the math), so there really isn't that much difference between a A-10 pilot and a F-16 pilot, they are the best...

As to the graphic cards... I love Nvidia cards for some other reason, in fact, I don't think you will see a machine in a university lab using ATI nowadays...

By the way, I know the fact that Migs are born to be killed, but the Mig-29 thing... I think it's either the pilot is some moron from Iraq or there is something very wrong with the game's configuration... I would say the first case is more likely...{:soso_e113:}

PS: Your second video is really a very good demostration of F-16's capbility(But I don't see any uncontrolable spin...), people can compare it with Mig-29's, before they starting saying Mig-29-is-better kind of crap. Oh, one more thing, the demostrating plane is only a F-16 A/B...
 楼主| 发表于 2011-1-22 13:28:45 | 显示全部楼层
Plutonium 发表于 2011-1-22 12:39
回复 cycle6 的帖子

Well, the fact most people always ignore is that EVERY plane goes into stall,  ...



发表于 2011-1-22 14:23:07 | 显示全部楼层
回复 Plutonium 的帖子

其实不一样的。 我曾经去研究WIN7下如何运行OF, 经手实验了20多个人,20多台机器。 体现的问题是这样的:
ATI显卡会出现透明座舱和贴图错位, NVIDIA的显卡在旧版驱动下会显现出FPS不超过10的情况。 (极个别机器没有这个情况,能较为正常运行)  后来因为NVIDIA的新驱动,优化了一些老游戏的兼容性。  于是目前N卡 GTS250以上换上最新驱动,将F4-BMS.EXE改为F4AF.EXE,即可在30FPS左右运行 还算勉强能用。  

方法原本出自 经本人实验N次,已证实

呃。。。。。。。 A卡没有什么不好的。。 我是这么觉得的。 同价位的N卡A卡我觉得不会差太多。 对于我们这些穷人来说,ATI性价比更高些貌似  

A饭N饭都别砍我。。。 我是中立党
 楼主| 发表于 2011-1-22 14:59:34 | 显示全部楼层
jianghuafz 发表于 2011-1-22 14:23
回复 Plutonium 的帖子

其实不一样的。 我曾经去研究WIN7下如何运行OF, 经手实验了20多个人,20多台机器。 ...


发表于 2011-1-22 16:22:44 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 jianghuafz 于 2011-1-22 16:23 编辑

暂时没有。。。  这个跟驱动有关系。 除非ATI跟NV一样一时兴起,对旧游戏进行优化兼容,不然还真没办法。    反正BMS4也快出了,看来只能等了

在NV的最新版本驱动出来之前, OF在WIN7下秒杀一切N卡A卡。 现在秒杀A卡和GTS250以下的一切N卡
发表于 2011-1-22 19:43:18 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Plutonium 于 2011-1-22 19:48 编辑

回复 cycle6 的帖子

Shift+o it is. You didn't go into stall because you didn't do it right, you have to attack at least 2 axis of the FLCS to go into stall. And each kind of plane's behavior during stall is also different, be aware.

About the video, even if he continues to abuse the rudder, a F-16 is not going to stall, not when the FLCS is still on, just like that simple.

About A-10 pilots, pilots are not classified by the plane the fly, but by the squadron they belong to. I know there are reserves, but they are not all A-10s, there are also reservers of F-16s, F-15s too. And "disposable"... it's most unlikely to be the word to describe A-10 we now see, but more likely the A-10As, I am sure you know the huge difference.

You think friendly fire rate is high for the US military, but actually it's very low comparing to other military powers... It's because they take it very seriously about soldiers' lives that makes each friendly fire incident dramatic...

Once again, USAF or US army never sent rookies to the battlefield. For the Air Force, 2000 hours of training is only gonna get a pilot into Red flag, whether he's going to real combat is depended on his performance during Red flag. Reserves are very different.
发表于 2011-1-22 19:47:38 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Plutonium 于 2011-1-22 19:51 编辑

回复 jianghuafz 的帖子

Well, for games, ATI and Nvidia are both fine, I don't mind using a ATI playing games, but as I said, I need Nvidia cards for other reasons...

I started playing ARMA 2 only when I no longer use Windows XP which is also the same time I have to give up OF...  First and last, ARMA 2 is only an alternative for the hardcore fly simulations to fill the blank and is never gonna satisfy me...

I could only be crazy for flying any way... wait... may be girls as well...

And I don't think BMS 4 is ever gonna come out.
发表于 2011-1-22 21:00:23 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 DCI 于 2011-1-22 21:01 编辑

其实飞Falcon4不应该太过侧重于空战, 而是应该把重心放在战役和航电的模拟上,我觉得这两点才是Falcon4的主打
发表于 2011-1-22 21:11:03 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2011-1-22 21:33:08 | 显示全部楼层
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