中国虚拟军事网(VME)- 专注于武装突袭系列虚拟军事游戏




楼主: Suyi控

[讨论] 武装突袭3开发(dev)版本更新状况记录,2015年4月24日开始

 楼主| 发表于 2015-6-26 10:54:20 | 显示全部楼层
EXE rev. 131311 (game)
EXE rev. 131311 (launcher)
Size: ~90 MB

Fixed: Dials in the cockpit of all Taru variants should no longer flicker
Fixed: VR Training (Placeables) - Blast radius cone would follow players even if they didn't have any charges in their inventory
Fixed: Missing support of some objects in module "Open/Close Doors" (
Fixed: Ineffective task setting when the sector module position changed
Tweaked: Redesigned publishing scenario tags selection dialog according to Steam tags categories
Fixed: CfgPatches classes

Potential spoilers:
Fixed: In Moral Fiber the warehouse reinforcement choppers were lagging upon landing
修正:在Moral Fiber一关仓库的增援直升机在降落时不会乱抖了。

Fixed: Negative number targets for remoteExec not working properly
Added: New script command isObjectHidden
Tweaked: setVehiclePosition command (fixes and erasing exploit)
Tweaked: isKindOf command (now supports also config classes)
Added: New script command configHierarchy
Added: New script command currentNamespace
Added: Steam Leaderboard functionality (the script commands cannot be used without hard-coded permissions. So official content only for now, starting with Time Trials soon - more info later)
 楼主| 发表于 2015-6-26 10:58:53 | 显示全部楼层
EXE rev. 131323 (game)
EXE rev. 131319 (launcher)
Size: ~154 MB

Tweaked: Reworked mesh positioning of the cockpit displays in all Tarus to fully get rid of dial flickering (Z-fighting)
Added: Correctly colored tracer ammo for SDAR
Tweaked: Samples for LMG 6.5mm and LMG 7.62mm shooting
Added: New samples for LMG 6.5mm (body and turret versions)
Added: Steam Leaderboards for Time Trials (first iteration - results may be wiped periodically during testing!)
Improved: Script for destruction of powerlines (thanks to Killzone_Kid -

End Game
Added: Property to end the scenario or not, if the last phase is reached and one of the competing sides did not establish its FOB

Potential spoilers:
Fixed: Moral Fiber - If the player would shoot the vehicle tires, the mission would end as a failure, but shooting the tires again would re-trigger the end mission procedure
修正:Moral Fiber关——如果玩家射击车辆的轮胎就会导致任务失败,但是如果再射击那任务就会结束

Added: Vest and helmet can protect more than one hitpoint
Improved: auto zeroing precision
Added: AllowedTargets for CfgRemoteExec's Commands and Functions to restrict the direction in which remoteExec commands can be executed
Improved: breakOut command (added support for a return value)
Changed: breakOut command (when failed, the command will return void, because of back-compat)
Added: New scripting command getObjectViewDistance
 楼主| 发表于 2015-6-29 19:25:02 | 显示全部楼层
EXE rev. 131327 (game)
EXE rev. 131327 (launcher)
Size: ~37 MB

Fixed: Sprinting with binoculars clipping the rifle
Fixed: Shriekers rockets don't have control range anymore; AI should be able to use them correctly

Added: maverickWeapon parameter for missiles (so that maverickWeapon proxies are used even if maxControlRange is < 10)
Fixed: hasHitpointProtectionInfo config reading
Changed: Script command params now returns the default value when the index is out of range
发表于 2015-6-30 10:48:49 | 显示全部楼层
Suyi控 发表于 2015-5-28 10:41
EXE rev. 130941 (game)
EXE rev. 130941 (launcher)

Fixed: AI is willing to use Laser Designator from bigger distances
 楼主| 发表于 2015-7-1 20:26:43 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Suyi控 于 2015-7-1 20:28 编辑

EXE rev. 131342 (game)
EXE rev. 131342 (launcher)
Size: ~67 MB

Changed: Class for LMG in several vehicles to create a different sound of shooting
Fixed: Recruits would not receive their previous loadout after respawning in MP Bootcamp

End Game
Fixed: While downloading but losing connection, the message was shown for too long
Fixed: The Carrier’s vehicle was not ignored in the trace collision test for showing the carrier icon

Fixed: Gunner switches firing modes even if the commander is a player
Added: Ability to restrict JIP in CfgRemoteExec via a ‘jip’ parameter
Improved: Tank drivers reversing
Improved: AI countermeasures component: targeting the enemy now takes skill and time into account
Tweaked: AI smoke grenades will not be thrown when the enemy is closer than 30m
Changed: Script command roleDescription - support for showing role description even in SP (for testing purposes)
Fixed: Game crash after a random time only in certain Workshop scenarios
Optimized: Network code in gear update messages
 楼主| 发表于 2015-7-1 20:30:22 | 显示全部楼层
EXE rev. 131363 (game)
EXE rev. 131363 (launcher)
Size: ~59 MB

Fixed: 30Rnd_556x45_Stanag tracer colors in boxes
Fixed: Correctly colored tracer magazines added to diver backpacks
Fixed: Copilot of Hellcat is actually able to take controls as a proper copilot
Fixed: User Interface lines are now sharper (affects edit box frames, tree hierarchy lines, and all map lines e.g.)

Added: New command worldSize introduced
Added: Script command setGroupIdGlobal synchronizing group identities over the network
Fixed: AT AI will not primarily attack vehicle crew
Fixed: Shape used for maverickWeapon
Fixed: Targeting sides / groups in remoteExec did not work with Dedicated Servers
 楼主| 发表于 2015-7-1 20:31:25 | 显示全部楼层
EXE rev. 131368 (game)
EXE rev. 131368 (launcher)
Size: ~62 MB

Fixed: Killing a unit being handled by the BIS_fnc_ambientAnimCombat function no longer switches the unit to the default standing animation before ragdoll is used (
Fixed: VR Training - the “Real Virtuality” achievement would get unlocked without the Weapon Handling courses completed

End Game
Fixed: The Randomizer module was in the wrong category; it’s under Misc now
Fixed: The Randomizer module was using the same icon as the Respawn Module; it now uses the default logic icon
Fixed: Player had access to the action menu during the warmup phase
Fixed: Player may now change weapons during the warmup phase

Dynamic Groups
Improved: Group names are now using GroupId, which is set globally using new script command setGroupIdGlobal
Fixed: When group leaders would assign a custom name to their group (through Dynamic Groups) the initial group ID was seen in chat messages. It is now using the correct custom name instead.

Fixed: Changing selectionFireAnim from "zasleh" hides muzzle flash forever (fix was overwritten)
Fixed: Missing title text for tags selection display
Fixed: Camera shake when in a parachute
Tweaked: CfgRemoteExec now contains a whitelist of commands the clients can send via remoteExec
 楼主| 发表于 2015-7-10 17:29:26 | 显示全部楼层
EXE rev. 131386 (game)
EXE rev. 131386 (launcher)
Size: ~80 MB

Fixed: Leaderboards (TT) - Parallel fetch operations could conflict with on-going visualization of the results
Fixed: Leaderboards (TT) - Fetch operations were executed once redundantly during the start
Fixed: Sidearms no longer appear in hand when players walk crouching with lowered rifle (
Added: Use BIS_disableDamageCheck = true in your custom VR Training course function to disable automatic fail is player is injured
Added: New sound for turret movement
Fixed: AI used a different shooting sound than player
Fixed: AI wasn't using NLAW in its full firing range
Removed: Holosight tool tip

End Game
Fixed: JIP player (after phase 3 started) did not see carrier 2D / 3D icon correctly

Fixed: Do not run remoteExec for invalid targets (unset group, object, etc.)
Improved: Move variant probabilities are now normalized to 1 (animations)
Fixed: Restrictions in CfgRemoteExec didn't always work properly for remoteExec
Fixed: When JIP is requested via remoteExec, only execute the command if restrictions in CfgRemoteExec allow it
Fixed: gunnerType property for 2D editor
 楼主| 发表于 2015-7-10 17:31:52 | 显示全部楼层
EXE rev. 131402 (game)
EXE rev. 131402 (launcher)
Size: ~153 MB

Crashing when e.g. loading VR Arsenal

Fixed: Many tweaks, fixes and improvements in translations
Added: gunnerType property to Taru turrets
Added: gunnerType property to Ghost Hawk turrets
Fixed: Goat, chicken and sheep no longer stuck in animation after a few seconds (
Added: Implementation of the new headgear randomization configs
Fixed: Wrong smoke color for smokes thrown into the water (
Added: Configured hiddenSelections for Leaflets, Graffiti and Posters (
Fixed: Mk20s and TRGs should now be compatible with red and green tracer STANAG mags

Potential spoilers:
Fixed: In Moral Fiber the leader you have to help was playing a weird animation
修正:在Moral Fiber一关你要营救的那个班长动作很奇怪

Fixed: Scripted radio messages are spoken locally (
Fixed: Possible crash thanks to duplicate usage of RemoveItem in EPEManager
Added: Check for actors when creating PhysX joints
Tweaked: Smoother leg transition when traversing terrain of varying slope
Fixed: Camera shake when in a parachute
Fixed: Switching optics mode resets zeroing
Last edited by DnA; 07-07-2015 at 09:23 PM.
 楼主| 发表于 2015-7-10 17:32:34 | 显示全部楼层
EXE rev. 131432 (game)
EXE rev. 131432 (launcher)
Size: ~37 MB

Fixed: Missing animation source warnings for xH-9 variants
Fixed: Leaving the Zeus interface while the interface was hidden led to all icons disappearing
Fixed: Script error at the start of Within Reach

End Game
Added: Scripted event handlers - EndGame_OnStageChanged / EndGame_OnStartGameObjectiveCompleted / EndGame_OnObjectiveStateChanged / EndGame_OnObjectiveCompleted / EndGame_OnObjectiveEnded
Improved: Zeus support
Improved: FPS boost (the equipment rewards functionality was bringing FPS down significantly)
Improved: Adding items to Virtual Arsenal created unnecessary network overhead

Potential spoilers:
Fixed: In Within Reach, there was a vehicle burning at the player start location

Fixed: MP collisions of static non-local helicopters / airplanes
Fixed: remoteExec JIP when targeting groups or sides didn't work
Fixed: Command / Function-specific restrictions no longer apply when mode == 2 in CfgRemoteExec
Added: colorDisabled parameter to RscActiveText
Fixed: No remoteExec restrictions for Headless Clients
Fixed: Turn commands for AI tank drivers are now properly inverted in reverse
Fixed: CTD at the start of VR Arsenal
Fixed: Preserve external camera after getting out of a vehicle

Changed: The icon for a fully signed mod changed from a check mark in a circle to a lock
Changed: Relative path calculation modified to not process paths as URIs to prevent unwanted percent decoding when processing the path
Fixed: A possible folder duplication when a mod name is changed
Added: A keyboard shortcut for a BattlEye page (Alt+4)
Added: A keyboard shortcut for the "Play unmodded" command (Ctrl+Shift+P)
 楼主| 发表于 2015-7-10 17:35:12 | 显示全部楼层
EXE rev. 131461 (game)
EXE rev. 131461 (launcher)
Size: ~144 MB

Fixed: Icon, localization, author and editor presence of Carrier Rig (Black)
Fixed: Broken color smoke grenades (
Fixed: SDAR rifles should now have correct faction-specific tracers
Tweaked: Minor volume changes for MRAP turret movement sounds
Improved: Cars are no longer prone to explosions from small arms fire. Explosive shells & devices are now required to blow up cars (
Added: Tab highlighting in Game Options
Added: Tab highlighting to the MP Create Game display

Potential spoilers:
Fixed: Unstuck mechanic added for the journalist in Status Quo
修正:Status Quo加入了不卡关机制
Fixed: Issue in Status Quo where Nikos and the journalist were not talking to the player

Fixed: A HC crash when setting up remoteExec restrictions
Fixed: Further remoteExec group / side fixes
Fixed: Incorrect drawing of holstered sidearm in 1st person view
Added: The -pid= parameter should work for all executables
Fixed: Getting out of vehicles no longer resets fire mode (
Fixed: Report only the first time-outed pending message for person / object
Tweaked: onPlayerConnected and onPlayerDisconnected commands (_owner and _jip variables)

Added: Launcher will now automatically elevate itself when it detects that Steam is also running elevated (running on same integrity level is required to enable communication and to run the game). This should be a work-around for the issue manifested by unusual exit code 0x00000035.
Last edited by DnA; 07-08-2015 at 09:50 PM.
 楼主| 发表于 2015-7-10 17:36:14 | 显示全部楼层
EXE rev. 131471 (game)
EXE rev. 131471 (launcher)
Size: ~43 MB

Added: New sounds for 30mm and 40mm autocannons (separated by turret / body position)
Fixed: Removed non-existing magazine with empty class name from TRG family of weapons
Added: Support for description.ext CfgTimeTrials definitions (for self-contained TTs)
Improved: Ignoring Leaderboard code when no board exists for the TT
 楼主| 发表于 2015-7-13 22:09:51 | 显示全部楼层
EXE rev. 131477 (game)
EXE rev. 131477 (launcher)
Size: ~38 MB

Fixed: It was not possible to disable the headgear and facewear randomization via disableRandomization (description.ext)
Removed: Facewear randomization for the civilians (from BIS_fnc_unitHeadgear)
Added: aiRateOfFire properties added to fire modes meant for players to ensure the correct rate of fire even on short distances
Tweaked: Configured aiAmmoUsageFlags for ammo of planes to help them choose proper weapons

End Game
Fixed: Possible script error on JIP
Removed: The additional equipment that is being given upon securing the Intel site
Fixed: Error message upon End Game initialization
Optimized: DownloadProgress is now updated 4 times less often
Fixed: Possible undefined variable in an expression in initServer.sqf

Added: Object transparency can be specified in surfaces for AI detection
Added: Player steering coefficients moved to config (carType) - see
Fixed: Adjust actions disabled while swimming (fixes part of the endless unarmed run)
Added: New script commands didJIP and didJIPObject
 楼主| 发表于 2015-7-13 22:12:20 | 显示全部楼层
EXE rev. 131501 (game)
EXE rev. 131501 (launcher)
Size: ~57 MB

Added: Proper icons for groups
Tweaked: Dogs will now move around more often
Tweaked: Kneel sprint (unarmed, rifle, pistol and launcher) has been tweaked to be more plausible and balanced
Fixed: Even APCs have been taken back to manufacturers for improved puncture protection of their wheels
Added: ‘Creative solution’ to preload the line texture to avoid mipmapping

Fixed: Time of day affected by low FPS
Fixed: Bug in simulation when a vehicle is sling loaded but the player is not in the parent vehicle
Fixed: Dedicated Server or Headless Client would freeze if a pop-up error showed up
Fixed: remoteExec security and functional fixes
Added: New targetKnowledge command (better version of knowsAbout)
Fixed: FFV remote player simulation in local vehicles
Hotfixed: CTD related to nulled AI brains
Fixed: mpStatistics.log moved from the Arma 3 root directory to other logs (profile directory)
 楼主| 发表于 2015-7-23 23:07:27 | 显示全部楼层
EXE rev. 131527 (game)
EXE rev. 131527 (launcher)
Size: ~230 MB

Tweaked: Unarmed sprinting
Fixed: Launcher bug in unarmed sprinting
Removed: All mentions of the legacy allSites command, replaced by entities "Site_F"
Fixed: Module arguments config inheritance
Fixed: Replaced 2D icons for Zeus-only map objects

Potential spoilers:
Tweaked: In Showcase Armed Assault the turrets on the Tigris (enemy outpost) had their ammo reduced significantly

Added: New distance2D command
Fixed: Copilot controls in airplanes
Changed: Pose adjust action disabled in movement (to prevent problems with slowdown)
Fixed: Further remoteExec traffic optimizations and fixes

Fixed: Added missing localization for a tooltip
Added: A link to a Community Wiki page to the unusual process exit message box
Added: Missing localization for another tooltip
Fixed: Inconsistencies in translations of a "Steam Workshop" string
Last edited by DnA; 07-15-2015 at 06:27 PM.
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