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[新闻] 一篇对arma3开发者的采访,提到了好多开发细节,值得关注(翻译完毕)

发表于 2012-7-26 05:49:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 291701 于 2012-7-26 10:02 编辑


Christian Schneider from sat down with Dan Musil, Project Lead at Bohemia Interactive to talk about Arma 3.德国asmestar记者Christian Schneider采访了Dan Musil,波西米亚互动项目主管,了解了关于arma3的一些情况。
This interview concentrates mainly on the demo, copy-protection, technical improvements, multiplayer, mod-support, system requirements and gameplay changes in Arma 3.采访主要论及了一些关于试玩版,盗版保护,技术改进,多人游戏,mod支持,系统要求和游戏性改善的内容。
Christian Schneider was so kind to sent us the English translation of the interview which was released in German on克里斯蒂安施耐德非常友善地将采访的德文内容翻译成英文并发送给了本站。

Quote :
How do you enhance the editor?你们是怎么强化任务编辑器的?
Dan: We've had to cut short our more ambitious plans regarding the editor recently. Due to missing resources, our goal in this area is currently to focus on improving the usability and experience of the classic mission editor from A2OA.最近我们已不得不放弃了对新任务编辑器的宏伟规划(悲了个剧!)。由于缺乏资源,我们现阶段的目标专注于提高A2OA传统编辑器的实用性和使用体验。

How do you plan to enhance the mod-support?你们打算怎样提高mod的支持力度?
Dan: We're looking to develop a whole new platform to support mods, but it's not currently available, so I'll not make any promises or reveal more information just yet.我们打算开发一套全新的平台来支持mod,但是现在还没有实现,所以现在吐露更多消息或给予任何保证都还为时尚早。

How did you enhance the sound?你们是怎么强化声音系统的?
Dan: We are aware that sound was not perfect in A2. So we put significant effort into all parts of the sound pipeline. Beginning from sound recording hardware and technology, processing the samples, engine support for stereo sounds, filters and multiple sound samples for different values from game controllers (distance, gear, environment/place).我们意识到a2的声音并不尽人意。所以我们对声音系统付出了相当多的努力。从声音录制的硬件和技术,到声音样本的后期处理,再到引擎对立体声音效的支持,和过滤并多样化游戏不同控制变量对声音的影响(距离,装备,环境/地点),我们都做了不懈努力。(超越一切现有音效mod)

Q: Will there be a separate coop-campaign? And for how many players?会有独立的coop任务吗?设计游戏人数是多少呢?
Dan: We have instead decided to focus upon a singleplayer campaign and varied set of coop and competitive MP game modes and scenarios, which should offer something for everyone. Numbers will depend upon the results of internal and community stability testing of our alpha.我们已经决定专注于单人任务和一系列多样化的合作和对抗性多人游戏模式和战役,这应该能满足大多数玩家的需求。人数的确定取决于内部测试和社区alpha稳定性测试的结果。

Q: Will there be any new multiplayer-options and will warfare return?会有新的多人游戏选项吗,warfare模式会回来吗?
Dan: It's still too early to speak in any great detail about this, as the multiplayer code and gameplay is still mostly work-in-progress. We would definitely love to see some large-scale multiplayer in the game, but it all depends on how successful we will be with the game's general multiplayer capabilities.现在说任何细节都还早,多人游戏的开发工作还在进行中。我们很期望看到一些大规模的多人游戏模式出现,但这全取决于多人游戏的整体运作能力到底有多好。

Q: Will there be a Demo?会有试玩版吗?
Dan: Yes. Sooner or later.会,迟早都会有。

Q: Will there be a 64-bit-version?会开发64位版本吗?
Dan:No. There is no reason for this.不会,没必要开发(有必要啊!)

Q: Will there be more factions then the ones you already disclosed?游戏中还会有更多没公布的派系出现吗(例如说pla)?
Dan: No, there won't.不,没有了(我怎么会告诉你其实pla是dlc{:soso_e133:} )

Q: Will there be a proper stealth-system and even stealth-weapons like a tech bow or knife kills?会出现某种适当的潜行系统吗,或者是某些匿踪武器像是高科技弓弩或刀?
Dan: Speaking of the vehicles, we did not specifically work on any stealth technology. In terms of infantry gameplay, we are trying to be rather realistic; therefore, we don't plan to work on any arcadish "stealth mode". Melee and weapons like harpoons or crossbows are on our wishlist, but these are preceded by many more important features.谈到载具,我们没有特别设计任何的前行技术在里面。在游戏的潜入,我们倾向于追求真实性;因此,我们没有计划设计任何的“潜入模式”。近战和进展武器像鱼叉或者是十字弩都已写入了我们的愿望清单,但是这些都会在更多更重要的东西实现以后才会考虑。

Q: Will the game require a Steam-activation?游戏需要steam激活码?
Dan: We are currently evaluating this. Most probably, we won't be bound to Steam, but we will use some kind of protection.现在我们正在评估这个做法的可行性。因该很有可能,我们 不会绑定在steam上,但是我们将利用某些反盗版的保护方式。

Q: Will the AI no longer be able to see through grass, and how will the grass be displayed in multiplayer? AI还会透视草坪吗,而且多人游戏中草是怎么显示出来的?
Dan: Unfortunately, there's no progress on this. Staying the same so far.很不幸,对此还没有任何进展。还在原地踏步。

Q: How did you decide which weapons, vehicles and aircrafts to use in ARMA 3?你们会给arma3添加些什么样的武器、载具和飞机呢?
Dan: This was mostly a matter of their visual appearance, as we wanted to create the impression of a not-so-distant future. Also, there were some people's personal preferences playing their role in the selection process.这个主要是个视觉外观的问题,因为我们的设定是在近未来嘛。此外,有些人物在特定情景中会具备独特的外观。

Q: While improving the command menus, which games did you get inspiration from?关于改进指令菜单,你们都从哪些游戏中寻找灵感呢?
Dan: Particularly in the case of the command interfaces, it is hard to draw inspiration from the other projects, as there are not many games around as complex as Arma. Our designers looked at many tactical and shooter games and explored the ways to improve the presentation of the GUI in general, but they also considered the lessons learned from our previous projects and player's feedback.特别地对于指令界面这种东西,很难从其他游戏中汲取灵感,因为很少有游戏的指令像arma这样复杂。我们的设计师查看了许多的战术和设计游戏,并尝试从总体上提高GUI表现的方法,但与此同时他们也参考了我们之前项目的教训以及玩家们的反馈。

Q: Will the campaign be playable without take the AI by the hand all the time? How do you want to avoid frustration by AI-mistakes?  AI在非手控的情况下战役会更具可玩性吗?你们打算怎样避免由于AI错误带来的麻烦?
Dan: In Arma 2's campaign there are a certain number of characters you couldn't let die. In A3, we're trying to be a bit more brutal and allow most anyone to be killed in action.arma2中的战役有一些特定的角色是不允许阵亡的。在a3中,我们尝试更残酷一点,几乎所有的角色都是可能KIA的。

Q: Which DirectX 11 effects will be used? (Tesselation ...)都会用到哪些dx11特效(细分曲面……)
Dan: This is a pretty new area for us, and we’re in the middle of our DX11-specific optimisations now, so let us finish that before we reveal more!这对我们来讲是个很新的领域,我们还处在对d11的具体应用调整阶段,所以在我们还没完工前还不能透露更多。

Q: Can the player steal the uniforms of other dead players in multiplayer?多人游戏下玩家可以穿死亡玩家身上的衣服吗?
Dan: We decided to limit this only to uniforms affiliated with a player's side. Although we were considering allowing the player to don any uniform at the start of development, it appeared that such generality would bring some very complex issues with AI and multiplayer rules. Also, it is against the Geneva Convention.我们打算将这个特性限制在友军之间。但是在开发初期我们考虑过允许玩家任意更换制服,但是这样宽泛的设定貌似会带来非常复杂的ai问题和游戏规则问题。而且,这也违反日内瓦公约。

Q: Will there be support for Nvidia 3D Vision?会支持英伟达3d特效吗?
Dan: This issue is in the queue. We'll try, but I have no closer insight on this just yet.这个事在计划之中。我们会尽力的,但是现在还不能给出定论。

Q: What are your DLC-plans?你们对游戏dlc有什么计划了吗?
Dan: There are no specific plans currently, just a few ideas that pop up as we continue development.现在还没有具体的打算,只是在开发过程中有零星迸发出的一些想法而已。

Q: What mods or ideas from mods will be integrated into ARMA 3?有哪些源自mod的特性或点子会被整合进arma3当中去
Dan: We did not directly use any community mod, but we cooperate with several community developers who contribute e.g. to the animations system.我们不会直接利用任何玩家自制的模组,但是我们已经和一些有贡献的业余开发者进行了合作,例如动作系统的制作。

Q: What were your biggest problems developing ARMA 3?你们开发arma3的最大困难是什么?
Dan: There were quite a few new people in the team from the beginning. We've lost some time following dead ends, and having to start again from scratch. It's literally impossible for a new guy to embrace all the Arma features and make a new feature consistent with all of them. From the other side, everyone is beginning sometimes and it's impossible to pass all knowledge to him/her at start. The sandbox has become HUGE and everything is related to everything.一开始我们团队的新人很少。我们在死胡同上浪费了一些时间,之后又不得不从摔倒处重新爬起。对于一个新人是很难全面掌握arma的所有特性,并创造出与这些老特性相兼容的新特性。换句话讲,把所有相关的知识都传授给这些程度不同的新人们几乎是不可能的。沙盘是个巨大的整体,其中的所有东西都是息息相关的。

Q: What are you most proud of in the game?游戏对你来讲最引以为豪的是什么?
Dan: It is great to see Real Virtuality receiving some features the team and the fans of the series were longing to see in the Arma series, e.g. the overhauled lighting and HDR, volumetric clouds or improved physics. Also, the scope of the Arma 3 terrains is amazing, and they make our game really stand out.看到rv引擎能够被赋予粉丝们和开发团队所长期期望的一些全新属性是一件可喜的事情,这些属性例如全面更新的光照系统和HDR,容积云,增强的物理效果等。而且,arma3的地理规模是令人惊异的,这个特点让我们的游戏格外出众。

Q: Did you cut anything because it just didn’t work the way you wanted it to?制作过程中有没有因为某些东西没有达到你的期望而被砍掉的
Dan: Many times. I think this is usual development process in every game studio.好多。我觉得对于所有游戏工作室的开发工作都是正常的事情。

Q: What kind of system do I need to run ARMA 3 propperly?啥样的硬件配置跑arma3比较合适呢?
Dan: i5-2300 / Phenom II X4 940, GeForce GTS 560 / HD 7750, 4GB RAM, 25GB HDD, OS with DirectX 11 should be perfectly safe. There are few specifics, which I would like to analyse and explain in upcoming developer blog (maybe as a part of another blog post). Please note, the game isn't in a final or even close-to-final state. These specs are just a close-to-final guess. i5-2300 / Phenom II X4 940(cpu在主流4核稍偏下水平), GeForce GTS 560 (原文就是gts,肯定是打错了,估计是gtx560)/ HD 7750, 4GB内存, 25GB硬盘空间,最好再加上支持dx11的操作系统。有些特别的说明,我将会在日后的开发日志里详细去解释和分析。请注意,游戏的开发还没有完成甚至还没初具规模,这些详细给出的硬件需求也这是对最终需求的猜测而已。


感谢翻译  发表于 2012-7-26 13:58


参与人数 1威望 +1 收起 理由
Alex.XP + 1 感谢分享


发表于 2012-7-26 08:30:18 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2012-7-26 10:00:44 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-7-26 12:06:49 | 显示全部楼层
老非猫 发表于 2012-7-26 10:00

发表于 2012-7-26 12:12:37 | 显示全部楼层
楼主你说AA3会有PLA的DLC??Are you sure?
不是说要用在VBS里么。。 不过真的很期待,最好再有张中国风的地图……

发表于 2012-7-26 12:32:03 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-26 12:44:12 | 显示全部楼层
Crossbow 发表于 2012-7-26 12:12
楼主你说AA3会有PLA的DLC??Are you sure?
不是说要用在VBS里么。。 不过真的很期待,最好再有张中国风的 ...

发表于 2012-8-17 15:06:51 | 显示全部楼层
Q: Will there be a 64-bit-version?会开发64位版本吗?
Dan:No. There is no reason for this.不会,没必要开发(有必要啊!)
Q: Will the campaign be playable without take the AI by the hand all the time? How do you want to avoid frustration by AI-mistakes?  AI在非手控的情况下战役会更具可玩性吗?你们打算怎样避免由于AI错误带来的麻烦?
Dan: In Arma 2's campaign there are a certain number of characters you couldn't let die. In A3, we're trying to be a bit more brutal and allow most anyone to be killed in action.arma2中的战役有一些特定的角色是不允许阵亡的。在a3中,我们尝试更残酷一点,几乎所有的角色都是可能KIA的。
Q: Will there be support for Nvidia 3D Vision?会支持英伟达3d特效吗?
Dan: This issue is in the queue. We'll try, but I have no closer insight on this just yet.这个事在计划之中。我们会尽力的,但是现在还不能给出定论。
发表于 2012-8-17 15:50:33 | 显示全部楼层
GUNDAMmk2 发表于 2012-8-17 15:06
Q: Will there be a 64-bit-version?会开发64位版本吗?
Dan:No. There is no reason for this.不会,没必 ...

发表于 2012-8-17 17:59:52 | 显示全部楼层
cycle6 发表于 2012-8-17 15:50

用3D Vision Discover的话,戴红蓝眼镜就行
发表于 2012-8-18 02:52:37 | 显示全部楼层
acknowledge 发表于 2012-8-17 17:59

用3D Vision Discover的话,戴红蓝眼镜就行

发表于 2012-8-24 04:08:04 | 显示全部楼层
没有 编辑器了吗???


好像只是没有3D编辑器了  发表于 2012-8-24 09:38
发表于 2012-8-25 16:51:05 | 显示全部楼层
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