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[新闻] 来自Gameru.net的ArmA2最新报道(翻译完毕)

发表于 2009-2-13 12:53:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Armed Assault 2, interview
- 武装突袭2采访

Good day! Let's get to know each other!
- 您好!首先让我们来相互了解一下!

Bohemia Interactive:
Hello readers, my name is Ivan Buchta, and I am the chief designer of ARMA 2. I with my colleagues are working on ARMA 2 already for more than two years. ARMA 2 - is indeed an important project for us for many reasons. Our goal is to make a really good military simulator, that we ourselves would want to play it. So we put all our ideas in this game.
- 各位读者大家好,我叫Lvan Buchta,是ARMA 2的总设计师。我和我的同事们已经为ARMA 2而努力工作超过两年了。从很多因素来说,ARMA2对于我们而言确实是一个非常重要的项目。我们的目标是制作一款能够让我们自己都渴望享受的真正优秀的军事模拟游戏,所以我们在这款游戏上投入了我们所有的心血。

War will always stay as a war, indeed. Changes only the only changes are the participants, the timeline ... What kind of the plot awaits players in Armed Assault 2?
- 战争终究是战争,唯一能够改变的只有战争参与者和时间…… ARMA 2中究竟有那些故事情节在等待着玩家们?

Bohemia Interactive:
the plotline of the game tells a story about 4 USMC Special Force soldiers, who will go through a variety of combat situations during the non-linear plot of the game, while doing missions in Chernarus. Our heroes suddenly realize that their actions affects the fate of an entire country. Depending on the behavior and decisions of the players, the campaign can be completed as an victory or even defeat.
- 游戏的主要故事情节是围绕4名美国海军陆战队特种部队的士兵展开的,他们将在Chernarus执行任务的过程中经历游戏非线性剧情中的种种战斗,我们的英雄们将会忽然间发现他们的行为将会影响这一整个国家的命运。根据玩家的行为和决策,这场战役可能取得完美的胜利也可能遭受失败。

In Armed Assault 2 are we going to see familiar places from the past titles, or are awaiting for a new global map?
- 在ARMA 2中我们是否能够看到与前作类似的地理环境?或者将会是一个全新的全局地图?

Bohemia Interactive:
The game will take place in a totally new location, or in other words, you'll observe on your monitor a whole new country reproduces completelly in 3d, that is the fictional country of Chernarus - In addition a small island along the coastline, where partial plotlines will develop.
- 游戏将会带来一个全新的地理环境,或者换句话说,你们将会注意到你们的显示器上将会是一个被搬到3D世界中的全新的完整国家,那就是虚构的国家Chernarus ——另外还将有海岸线上的一些小岛,上面会有部分延伸剧情。

Regard the military conflict: which faction will we be serving this time?, whether the provision of allied forces(to me it sounds like he's talking about the russians or (USSR)), Can I take part in the composition of the allied forces?
- 关于这场军事冲突:其中将会有哪些派别存在?是否会提供盟军(听上去他好像一直在谈论俄罗斯或者苏联),我们是否能够选择参加盟军?

Bohemia Interactive:
Players will mainly manage the marines, specifically the appointment of a special recon squad. During the campaign, the player will receive support from other soldiers/marines involved in the mission. Later events may be connected to the local army and the guerrillas, but only if the player will be able to persuade them to cooperate.
- 玩家在大多数时间将会扮演海军陆战队,特别是扮演一只特种侦察小队。在战役中,玩家将会受到来自其他参与同样任务的士兵或海军陆战队的协助。在后期可能会与当地的地方部队或者游击队有接触,当然前提是玩家必须想办法说服他们并与其合作。

Which role the player assumes?, whether the old system of rank promotion and unit control will be back? And regarding the management of the supplies, what can we expect?
- 玩家将会扮演何种角色?此前系统中的军衔晋升和单位控制是否会回归?就关于管理系统方面我们将会有何种期待?

Bohemia Interactive:
Fundamentals of the gameplay is very reminiscent that of Armed Assault. You - are a soldier, and one way or another, you receive and obey the orders. The principles of the gameplay(control) are the same, however we have improved and developed new GUI system. Also we have added an additional level of command. Previously, players could manage only the soldiers, now in ARMA 2 in certain situations, you will be able to command large groups of military forces and fight in a much larger scale combat.
- 基本上游戏方式将会与ARMA非常相似。你扮演一名普通士兵,并以这样或那样的方式接受并执行各种命令。基本的游戏操作也大致相同,不过我们改进并扩展了新的图形用户界面,并且我们还新增了一级指挥层。在以前玩家只能管理士兵,而现在在ARMA 2的某些地方,你将能够指挥一些大型的部队进行更大规模的军事打击。
In general commanding troops will differ depending of the rank, that are sergeants and captains.
- 一般指挥部队将会根据军衔来决定,比如军士或者上尉。

Will you play the campaign provided in the form of dynamic events that depend on the player performance or will the campaign be static, as in scripted, once player starts doing different jobs?
- 当玩家开始操作不同的角色时会依据剧本在战役的进行过程中根据玩家的表现和战役的固有设定提供动态事件吗?

Bohemia Interactive:
To preserve the opportunity to tell the story of the game, we have built a line in the campaign, but the player is always given a freedom to choose how he wants to perform the mission.
- 为了保证我们介绍游戏的故事情节,我们在战役中设计了一条主线,但是玩家可以自由选择他们如何完成一系列的任务。
For the plot of the game, there are moments when the decision of the player determines how the situation will continue to evolve. In the story there are several endings, and the actions of the player, starting within the first mission, starts already to influence the determination of the story ending.
- 对于游戏的故事情节,将会在某些时刻让玩家选择如何继续接下来的剧情。在故事中将会有多种结局,而玩家的作用便是在第一个任务的开始就影响最终结局的变化。

Bohemia Interactive:
The player will have a support and the chance to win, but as a the whole concept, it differs from campaigns of Armed Assault. ARMA 2 gameplay is more dynamic, so we have decided to do so: to give every mission 'player' a range of toys and send them in a personal voyage, to give everyone the opportunity «to play a game». When the situation allows, the player will get the access to various support options: a transport helicopter, artillery or aerial support. Later, when the player will fight for the mastery of the map, a pilot using all his resources and support may give you a crucial chance of victory. For example: you may be a tank platoon, but you can send it to patrol around the base or support troops advance in battle.
- 玩家将会有支援和机会去取得胜利,但是作为一个整体概念,它将不同于ARMA中的战役。ARMA 2将会更加的动态,所以我们决定这样做:给每一个任务中的玩家以各种各样的单位并且将它们放到各自的进程中去,让后让它们都有时机加入游戏。当情况允许,玩家将获得使用各种支援选项的能力,比如:一架运输直升机、火炮支援或者空中支援。稍后,当玩家为征服地图而战的时候,一个飞行员将会倾其全力在关键时刻支援玩家取得胜利。举个例子:你可能会拥有一个坦克排,但是你可以命令他们在基地周围巡逻,或者命令他们在战场上支援步兵向前推进。

Is it possible to pass the campaign in the cooperative mode?
- 是否可能在战役中加入合作模式?

Bohemia Interactive:
Yes, it will be possible, the campaign is planned in a such way, that allows four players to take the roles of Team Razor.
- 是的,这将是可能的,战役在设计时就已经考虑了这种方式,能够允许4名玩家同时扮演“剃刀小队”。

Suppose that at the moment under the players command there's an universal detachment (spy, sniper, engineer, cover, attack plane, etc). May I switch between them at given time, so to speak?
- 假设在玩家指挥的时候,有一个直属单位(如间谍、狙击手、工程兵、掩护部队、强击机等)我可不可以在给定的时间切换到他们的视角?

Bohemia Interactive:
Yes, it is possible. the design of the game allows it, regardless of the scenario. We call this feature a TeamSwitch - it allows the player to switch to any of his team members, and fully, without restrictions to control them. Among the characters of the player there's available a variety of interesting roles in the campaign: Cooper - the commander of the team, it is important to talk with local (he speaks russian), Ice-cold (ice) Sykes - a skillful sniper, Robo Rodriguez - a Machine gunner and O'Hara -- is ready to give a medical treatment.
- 对,这是可以的。游戏的设计允许这种操作,跟游戏的剧本无关。我们把这种功能叫做“队内转换”-它允许玩家转换到其分队内的任意一个成员,并且能够完全没有限制的控制他们。在战役里,玩家可扮演的人物当中,有很多有趣的角色:Cooper——分队指挥官,让他跟当地人的交谈是很重要的(此人精通俄语),Ice-cold(ice) Sykes——一个技术精湛的狙击手,Robo Rodiguez——一个机枪手,还有O‘Hara——分队的卫生员。

Often in tactical games players are allowed to make inexusable mistakes, when developers are forcing the player to micromanage their mates,which very often end up not doing something right. As in the «Armed Assault 2» what is the case of your teammates Artificial Intelligence?, are they going to carrying out an order and choose the most convenient way to do it?
- 通常在战术游戏里,玩家允许犯一些无法挽回的错误,当游戏开发者迫使玩家对自己的(AI)成员进行位操作时候,经常出现(AI)处置不当。在ArmA2里你的AI队友会怎么样呢?他们会不会服从一条命令并选择最恰当的方式来执行它呢?

Bohemia Interactive:
Artificial Intelligence inARMA 2 is a progress of 10 years of research and development, and it should cope well with different situations and circumstances. This system is called Micro-AI which was specially developed for ARMA 2. It includes: a clear movement of units, depending of the action sites, use of cover fire and cover on certain position, which makes controlled teammates really dangerous. You can send them into battle or fight side by side, they are exellent at supporting you, that is.
- ARMA2的人工智能是一个经过十年研究开发的项目了,它应该可以对不同的环境和情况应对自如。这个系统叫做Micro-AI(微—AI),它是专门为ArmA2开发的。这套系统包括了:各个单位会根据作战位置做出明确的行动,使用掩护射击覆盖一个明确的区域,这让受(你)控制的队友变得(对敌人来说)非常具有威胁。你可以把它们单独派到战场作战上或者你也可以跟他们并肩作战,他们可以出色的为你提供支援,就是这样。

Tell us about the innovations in military technologies implented into Armed Assault 2, and, of course, what can we expect to see from the weapon side?
- 给我们讲讲ArmA2当中的军事技术的进步,当然是我们所期待能从武器上看到的。

Bohemia Interactive:
ARMA 2 will have the largest variety of weapons and vehicles than our past titles have had. We offer a variety of modern U.S. Marine Corps, as well as Russian weapons and vehicles, and additionally older models for the guerillas and partisans. Weapons are presented in different variations, like additional attachments (optics, collimator view module launch grenade) launchers may use different kind of warheads.
- ArmA2跟我们以前的几款作品比将会拥有更最大的武器库和载具库。我们提供了各种现代的美国海军陆战队武器和苏联武器以及车辆,也会有老武器提供给游击队和地方武装。武器也会有不同的附件(如光学设备、瞄准观察模块、榴弹发射器),并且也会有各种不同的弹药。

What about the game architecture, what game engine is used for this? What new visual technologies are awaiting us, will the DirectX 10 be used and supported?
- 那么游戏的构架呢?游戏用什么引擎?有什么新视觉技术等着我们呢?会不会支持并利用DirextX10呢?

Bohemia Interactive:
ARMA 2 uses Real Virtuality 3, the latest version of the In-house engine - It is the only engine capable of supporting such large areas, numbers of stand-alone units, while providing significant distance visibility. The engine supports DX9 shaders, and a third, which inprinciple is enough to provide all modern graphical effects, color and post-processing effects, HDR-lighting, advanced shading, and shader material objects, and more.
- ArmA2用的Real Virtuality3(真实虚拟3),是最新版本的 In-house 引擎-这是唯一的一种可以支持大地图、多单位,并提供远视距的引擎。这个引擎支持DX9着色器,大体上说,这足以提供所有现代图形效果,颜色和后期处理效果,HDR光源,高级浓淡处理,还有着色材质对象,还有更多。

What are the system requirements?
- 系统要求如何?

Bohemia Interactive:
I'm afraid we can not accurately determine them, but ARMA 2 will, of course, (also?) require multi-core processors.
- 恐怕我们还不能确定,但是ArmA2当然会需要多核心处理器。

Sometimes with top-of-the line required games are often not optimized to lower standards. What is the case with ARMA2 ?
- 有时对硬件要求很高的游戏通常都不为较低标准的机器作优化。ArmA2的情况呢?

Bohemia Interactive:
We make every effort. We try to make a game that will run and work well on a medium power and a look great at high configurations. Since the game contains a huge number of graphical material, and calculated physics - we must pay attention on optimization.
- 我们做出了很大的努力,我们尝试着做一个可以在中等水平的电脑上流畅运行并且设置很高,看上去效果很棒的游戏。但是游戏包含了巨大数量的图形材质和物理运算,我们必须非常用心的进行优化。

What multiplayer game modes will there be?
- 多人游戏模式会啥样泥?

Bohemia Interactive:
We are seriously focused and we want to make them similar to Warfare mode, it works perfectly for our games, but we also have incorporated more popular multiplayer modes (deathmatch, team deathmatch, Capture the flag). mission editor will allow players to quickly and easily make custom modifications.
- 我们在多人模式上集中了大量精力,并且我们要把它做的根战争模式很相似,它(指多人模式)在我们的游戏上做的非常完美,但是我们也集成了更多很流行的多人模式(死亡竞赛、团队死亡竞赛、夺旗 等)。任务编辑器将允许玩家快速简便的进行任务编辑。
And of course we must not forget that in Armed Assault 2 players will be able to join 'my friends' to play an entire campaign in co-operative multiplayer. Fans for several years begged us for it, now it's possible!
- 当然我们决不能忘记再ArmA2玩家可以进入“My friends”(我的朋友)模式来玩一个整个儿的多人合作战役。粉丝求了我们好几年了,现在终于实现了。

Do you plan to release Collectors edition of Armed Assault 2?
- 你们计划发布ArmA2收藏版吗?

Bohemia Interactive:
Collection edition is a publisher's business, we can not influence their decisions.
- 收藏版是销售商的事儿,我们不能干涉他们的决定。

Thank you very much for the interview and answers! GAMERU.NET looks forward to your game, and wish you an even greater army of fans and big sales!
- 非常感谢你们的合作和回答!GAMERU.NET站期待着你们的游戏,希望你们有更多的军事游戏迷并能大销一笔!

Bohemia Interactive:
Thank you very much for the interesting questions, I hope that the readers of Gameinator will be happy to play in Arma 2, when it comes out. And especially I hope that they will, as our fans before, create interesting addons and modifications, it always leads us to a delight.
- 感谢你们这些妙趣横生的问题,当ARMA 2问世后,我希望Gameinator的读者们能享受ARMA 2带来的乐趣,还有就是希望我们从前的那些忠实粉丝,能够创造出更多有趣的插件和mod,将我们带入新的天地。
发表于 2009-2-13 15:38:06 | 显示全部楼层
Suppose that at the moment under the players command there's an universal detachment (spy, sniper, engineer, cover, attack plane, etc). May I switch between them at given time, so to speak?

Bohemia Interactive:
Yes, it is possible. the design of the game allows it, regardless of the scenario. We call this feature a TeamSwitch - it allows the player to switch to any of his team members, and fully, without restrictions to control them. Among the characters of the player there's available a variety of interesting roles in the campaign: Cooper - the commander of the team, it is important to talk with local (he speaks russian), Ice-cold (ice) Sykes - a skillful sniper, Robo Rodriguez - a Machine gunner and O'Hara -- is ready to give a medical treatment.
对,这是可以的。游戏的设计允许这种操作,跟游戏的剧本无关。我们把这种功能叫做“队内转换”-它允许玩家转换到其分队内的任意一个成员,并且能够完全没有限制的控制他们。在战役里,玩家可扮演的人物当中,有很多有趣的角色:Cooper——分队指挥官,让他跟当地人的交谈是很重要的(此人精通俄语),Ice-cold(ice) Sykes——一个技术精湛的狙击手,Robo Rodiguez——一个机枪手,还有O‘Hara——分队的卫生员。
 楼主| 发表于 2009-2-13 16:00:09 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-2-13 16:11:43 | 显示全部楼层
恩,我就顺手翻一一个,这两天写个DES加密解密的程序,烦死了,写累了无聊正好看见这个了 :lol
 楼主| 发表于 2009-2-13 16:18:49 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 cycle6 于 2009-2-13 16:11 发表
恩,我就顺手翻一一个,这两天写个DES加密解密的程序,烦死了,写累了无聊正好看见这个了 :lol

发表于 2009-2-13 18:43:14 | 显示全部楼层
Often in tactical games players are allowed to make inexusable mistakes, when developers are forcing the player to micromanage their mates,which very often end up not doing something right. As in the «Armed Assault 2» what is the case of your teammates Artificial Intelligence?, are they going to carrying out an order and choose the most convenient way to do it?

Bohemia Interactive:
Artificial Intelligence inARMA 2 is a progress of 10 years of research and development, and it should cope well with different situations and circumstances. This system is called Micro-AI which was specially developed for ARMA 2. It includes: a clear movement of units, depending of the action sites, use of cover fire and cover on certain position, which makes controlled teammates really dangerous. You can send them into battle or fight side by side, they are exellent at supporting you, that is.
发表于 2009-2-13 18:56:10 | 显示全部楼层
Tell us about the innovations in military technologies implented into Armed Assault 2, and, of course, what can we expect to see from the weapon side?

Bohemia Interactive:
ARMA 2 will have the largest variety of weapons and vehicles than our past titles have had. We offer a variety of modern U.S. Marine Corps, as well as Russian weapons and vehicles, and additionally older models for the guerillas and partisans. Weapons are presented in different variations, like additional attachments (optics, collimator view module launch grenade) launchers may use different kind of warheads.
发表于 2009-2-13 19:12:28 | 显示全部楼层
What about the game architecture, what game engine is used for this? What new visual technologies are awaiting us, will the DirectX 10 be used and supported?

Bohemia Interactive:
ARMA 2 uses Real Virtuality 3, the latest version of the In-house engine - It is the only engine capable of supporting such large areas, numbers of stand-alone units, while providing significant distance visibility. The engine supports DX9 shaders, and a third, which inprinciple is enough to provide all modern graphical effects, color and post-processing effects, HDR-lighting, advanced shading, and shader material objects, and more.
ArmA2用的Real Virtuality3(真实虚拟3),是最新版本的 In-house 引擎-这是唯一的一种可以支持大地图、多单位,并提供远视距的引擎。这个引擎支持DX9着色器,大体上说,这足以提供所有现代图形效果,颜色和后期处理效果,HDR光源,高级浓淡处理,还有着色材质对象,还有更多。
发表于 2009-2-13 19:15:22 | 显示全部楼层
What are the system requirements?

Bohemia Interactive:
I'm afraid we can not accurately determine them, but ARMA 2 will, of course, (also?) require multi-core processors.
发表于 2009-2-13 19:18:49 | 显示全部楼层
这些都没有用说的好,就是不说什么时候发售游戏,说一些没有用的.:@ :@ :@ ::Q
发表于 2009-2-13 19:22:12 | 显示全部楼层
Sometimes with top-of-the line required games are often not optimized to lower standards. What is the case with ARMA2 ?

Bohemia Interactive:
We make every effort. We try to make a game that will run and work well on a medium power and a look great at high configurations. Since the game contains a huge number of graphical material, and calculated physics - we must pay attention on optimization.
发表于 2009-2-13 19:23:25 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 sd2234 于 2009-2-13 19:18 发表
这些都没有用说的好,就是不说什么时候发售游戏,说一些没有用的.:@ :@ :@ ::Q

我哪知道啊,我就是一翻译—— 引自《地下交通站》白守业翻译官语 ;:P
发表于 2009-2-13 19:31:12 | 显示全部楼层
Thank you very much for the interview and answers! GAMERU.NET looks forward to your game, and wish you an even greater army of fans and big sales!

Bohemia Interactive:
Thank you very much for the interesting questions, I hope that the readers of Gameinator will be happy to play in Arma 2, when it comes out. And especially I hope that they will, as our fans before, create interesting addons and modifications, it always leads us to a delight
发表于 2009-2-13 19:31:33 | 显示全部楼层
What multiplayer game modes will there be?

Bohemia Interactive:
We are seriously focused and we want to make them similar to Warfare mode, it works perfectly for our games, but we also have incorporated more popular multiplayer modes (deathmatch, team deathmatch, Capture the flag). mission editor will allow players to quickly and easily make custom modifications.
And of course we must not forget that in Armed Assault 2 players will be able to join 'my friends' to play an entire campaign in co-operative multiplayer. Fans for several years begged us for it, now it's possible!
我们在多人模式上集中了大量精力,并且我们要把它做的根战争模式很相似,它(指多人模式)在我们的游戏上做的非常完美,但是我们也集成了更多很流行的多人模式(死亡竞赛、团队死亡竞赛、夺旗 等)。任务编辑器将允许玩家快速简便的进行任务编辑。
当然我们决不能忘记再ArmA2玩家可以进入“My friends”(我的朋友)模式来玩一个整个儿的多人合作战役。粉丝求了我们好几年了,现在终于实现了。
发表于 2009-2-13 19:34:04 | 显示全部楼层
Do you plan to release Collectors edition of Armed Assault 2?

Bohemia Interactive:
Collection edition is a publisher's business, we can not influence their decisions.

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