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[原创] 抛砖引玉AA2CO中精美插件评析

发表于 2012-4-9 20:02:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


   德国KSK (作者同样写好了替换插件。不过原版做得已经很不错了。类似的还包括ACR,就是原版里的捷克军队丛林迷彩和沙漠迷彩(同样也包括替换插件。
   终于该西方了,人物插件数量挺多,但个人认为精品也就:游骑兵造型独特,制作精良,缺点是士兵样式比较少;还有就是我最爱的TF86海豹 这里有各种迷彩,而且士兵样式繁多。唯一的缺点就是处于aa2基础,就是说士兵要不无法背背包,要么背上看不出来,好在里面各种各样的士兵及其丰富多彩,要是个人喜欢制作替换插件有的研究和钻研了。
3)效果插件    如果你加载ACE,那这个就没必要看了,如果你不想加载ACE但又想感受些不同于原版的效果,就看看这个吧:
    真实瞄准效果:没发现原版的SVD 瞄准做的既不正确又丑陋吗?用这个吧你可以任意选择一组,替换了原版的光学瞄准,更加真实,专业。缺点是作者书写的时候加上了“需要和ACE加载”你要是不加载的话,每次进入游戏就提醒,而且游戏储存了就无法读取,于是我修改了一下,不用ACE也可以正常使用,有需要的联系我。

    M136, RPG-18武器变成一次性的,更加真实

       弹道计算机插件 个人感觉打车载榴弹还有些用,大炮,火箭炮,迫击炮还是原版的弹道调控容易些。用法:打开选项后,打开地图,选择炮击位置鼠标左键确定,然后返回造作界面,手动调整水平,垂直都在集中到中间就好了。





感谢测评分享  发表于 2012-4-9 21:46
发表于 2012-4-9 20:50:07 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-4-9 21:16:23 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-9 21:56:35 | 显示全部楼层
Reinhard 发表于 2012-4-9 21:16

发表于 2012-4-10 09:27:46 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
aleshaliyan 发表于 2012-4-9 21:56

发表于 2012-4-10 11:22:09 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
支持楼主 我和楼主一样 这些天把很多插件测试了 修修改改删删减减的弄出了自以为不错的组合 有机会和大家分享下
发表于 2012-4-10 12:01:14 | 显示全部楼层

没发现原版的SVD 瞄准做的既不正确又丑陋吗?用这个吧


另外我的机器一般 对于服装插件 我怕降低fps不敢怎么装

还有我这些天测试不少的AI以及运动和损伤方面的插件不少 比较喜欢那类的 希望楼主下次也侧重于这方面介绍下
 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-10 14:25:00 | 显示全部楼层
ctsoldier 发表于 2012-4-10 12:01

没发现原版的SVD 瞄准做的既不正确又丑陋吗?用这个 ...



发表于 2012-4-10 14:45:41 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 ctsoldier 于 2012-4-10 14:58 编辑

经验倒不敢 就是喜欢弄弄ai插件
目前这种组合 玩单机 @CBA;@ACEX_SM;@vme_clp;@ASR_AI;@GL4;@SLX@RUG_DSAI;@super
slx的ai部分全部删除 保留部分运动部分 损伤部分也感觉一般 删了
主要机器一般 技术一般 呵呵

这里主要是需要GL4的ai 和其的子弹呼啸声以及画面小幅增强  
asr_ai需要其中的ai自动补给弹药 和 ai射程
加上asr ai 后 390米左右就开枪了 比较真实 但是难度高了
slx里面的加快运动 加快姿势动作速度 和一些小修改还是不错的

小的插件如去掉刺眼阳光 界面修改直接装到addons文件夹了

 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-10 15:04:01 | 显示全部楼层
ctsoldier 发表于 2012-4-10 14:45
经验倒不敢 就是喜欢弄弄ai插件
目前这种组合 玩单机 @CBA;@ACEX_SM;@vme_clp;@ASR_AI;@GL4;@SLX@RUG_DSA ...

发表于 2012-4-10 15:24:16 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 ctsoldier 于 2012-4-10 15:26 编辑

在slx插件中的 SLX_ModWeapons_c   SLX_VehicleEffects  SLX_Wounds 三个
当然每个的里面还有什么碎尸 烧焦尸体 效果 个人很讨厌
SLX_ModWeapons_c: Many changes to ammo, magazines, and weapons based on real life footage, statistics, information, and characteristics. Bullet damage changed to have variable amounts of damage based on hit accuracy of the body part so that some bullet hits can be critical hits that do full damage and others can be grazing hits that do less damage. Many values based on CAVS the Common Armor Value System ( which translates real life muitions statistics into game values, many of the sources and information are documented in the .cpp comments, most explsives values are based on actual explosives charge weight. AI settings changed to make AI use the weapons, ammunition, and fire modes effectively as humans would.
Dependencies: None.

Default bullet values and calculations:
hit = 7; // Diameter in millimerters rounded up + 1? Should be about + 1.5-2. 5.45 or 5.56->6+1=7
indirectHit=1; // Always 1. Indirect damage is applied to the hit points based on how far away they the hit is. The closer the hit is to the hit point the more indirect damage there is. This somewhat simulates the random damage effects that bullet hits seem to have. (See W.E. Fairbairn) Some hits will be close to the hit point and give more damage simulating hitting a vital area like hitting an artery. Some shots will hit far from any hit points and will have less damage simulating a flesh wound that doesn't hit anything vital like muscle or a grazing shot along the skin.
indirectHitRange=0.08; // .05 for pistol, .08 for boat tail, .9 for long boat tail, .1 for fragmenting bullet. Range to hit other hit points such as arms+torso, etc. Indirect damage is applied to all hit points within range. 2 indirect damage to arms + 2 indirect damage to torso + 2 indirect damage to head = 6 damage applied. Damage is scaled down for hit points further away.

SLX_VehicleEffects: When a vehicle is damaged an effect will happen relevant to the amount and position of the damage. Vehicle damage effects include munitions malfunctions, fuel leaks, fire, tire blowouts, broken glass, main rotor damage, tail rotor failure, and temporary engine failure. If a vehicle is hit in the engine, fuel tank, or body, it has a chance of starting a fuel leak. If a vehicle is leaking fuel it is vulnerable to catching on fire if it gets damaged again. The extent of the fire is based on the amount of damage the vehicle has, starting out as a small fire and eventually consuming the entire vehicle, then burning back down before extinguishing. The fire does damage to the vehicle and nearby things, ammunition cooks off while burning, and sometimes nearby things get set on fire. Fire can be put out by repairing the vehicle, submerging it in water, going over 400 kph, or if the fire is small enough you can try using the "put out fire" action (which has a somewhat random chance of working) until the fire goes out. People disembarking from a burning vehicle have a chance of catching fire proportional to the damage of the vehicle. They can put the fire out by getting healed or by keeping moving. People on fire will automatically crawl forward prone to keep moving, you can also try rolling on the ground to put the fire out. People sometimes burn up into charred body parts after they die and SLX Wounds is active. Helicopters with main rotor damage become more unstable the more damaged they are, eventually tearing themselves apart and crashing if they are too damaged. When a helicopter with main rotor damage crashes it throws up lots of dirt and dust as the blades are smashed apart on the ground.
Dependencies: SLX_NetCode, SLX_Shout.

SLX_Wounds: Based on real life footage and statistics (W. E. Fairbairn, FBI, police,, etc).
Dependencies: SLX_NetCode, SLX_Shout, SLX_VehicleEffects (optional).

Location based wound effects on people when they are hit.
Arms - Small chance of an accidental discharge of their primary weapon. Small chance of dropping primary and/or secondary weapon when arms are very damaged.
Legs - Good chance of falling down prone if legs are very damaged. No effect when already prone.
Torso - Good chance of getting knocked down and out of breath for a second if damage is over 50%. If the torso is over 80% damaged and overall health is less than 60% then the person is critically wounded.
Head - 30% chance of temporary deafness and a 40% chance of temporary deafness, disorientation, and falling down if head is less than 50% damaged, most likely caused by grenade blasts. 90% chance of temporary deafness and falling if head is over 50% damaged.

If the person is hit in the head, body, or legs and overall health is less than the "SLX_Wounded" value then they are critically wounded.

Critically wounded :
The person drops their primary weapon and lays on the ground writhing and screaming until either they are healed or die. They are unable to shoot any weapons, but can still throw hand grenades, so watch out. Killing wounded people that pose no threat at the moment(haven't thrown a hand grenade) will deduct 450 rating points. So if you have 0 rating points and killing a soldier gets +200 rating points and you kill a wounded soldier you end up with -250 rating points.

Dragging wounded/dead:
Wounded or dead people can be dragged to a safer location for giving first aid, corpse recovery, or item scavenging. Be careful of moving heavily wounded people though, moving them might kill them. Objects can also be dragged.

Giving first aid to wounded:
Giving first aid is based on the skill of the person giving first aid. If first aid is unsuccessful in stabilizing the wounded person's condition then you will have to wait for a while before trying again. Giving first aid gives you rating points proportional to the skill of the person first aid is being given to.

Taking captives:
If a wounded enemy is healed they will surrender. They can be taken captive and you can tell them to stay or follow you. If the captive is too far from you they will try to escape and continue fighting. Taking captives gives you rating points proportional to the skill of the person being taken captive. Killing captives suffers the same rating deduction as for killing wounded. For a zero skilled soldier you should get 200 points for giving them first aid and taking them captive, the same as if you had killed them, but if you kill them after giving first aid and taking them captive you still end up losing 50 rating points.

Moving people/objects in vehicles:
People/objects can be moved into vehicles by getting into the vehicle while dragging or by using the Drag or Follow action when in a vehicle to load more than one object. Make sure the action is in your action menu when entering the vehicle or you won't be able to use it. There must be free cargo space in the vehicle for the person to enter. Try moving the person to the other side of the vehicle from where you enter, then look at the person and the action should show up. An action is added to the vehicle to unload wounded and dead people.

Dropped weapons:
Dropped weapons can be destroyed by using the action menu close to them or by damaging(by shooting, etc) them to 50%. They can only be picked up by the action menu. They are affected by physics and can get thrown into the air from explosions.

AI's helping wounded/dead:
AI's will automatically try and help wounded or dead people. They will attempt to drag them into a safer position before giving first aid or scavenging weapons. AI's immediately go into alert mode when someone is wounded or killed.

AI's taking secondary weapons and machine guns:
If someone with a secondary weapon or a machine gun dies then another AI from their squad will attempt to come and pick up the weapon.

If a person is killed with a high explosive and their velocity is high enough then they will be torn apart. Can be disabled by setting number of gibs to zero.
发表于 2012-4-10 15:25:26 | 显示全部楼层
主要是人体被击中那个 我死的太快 相比原版 不适应 哈哈
发表于 2013-5-2 21:51:29 | 显示全部楼层
顶  支持啊
发表于 2014-7-30 14:54:03 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2014-8-1 00:00:00 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
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